Interested in joining our church?

We are so thankful that you are considering membership with our church! Our membership process involves a few steps:

Membership Class
We schedule these periodically as interest determines.  This is a class which lasts roughly 90 minutes in which we explain our beliefs and practices in more detail than we might on a typical Sunday morning.

Prior to attending this class, it would be helpful for you to be familiar with our statement of faith, located in the "What We Believe" tab.
After completing the class, you will email your testimony to

Use the following guide for preparing your testimony:

1. Share, briefly, about your life before you trusted Jesus as your Savior.
a. What were your attitudes, needs, concerns, family situation, etc.?
b. What happened to make you aware of your need for Jesus?
2. Share how you came to the point in your life of trusting Jesus as your
Savior? What is the gospel, as you have come to understand it?
a. Why did you decide to trust Jesus as your Savior?
b. Was there a key passage of scripture that helped you come to this
c. Who were some significant people that played a role in helping
you make this decision?
3. Share about your life after you trusted Jesus as your Savior.
a. How have your life, actions, attitudes changed since you trusted Christ as your personal Savior?
b. What is God teaching you right now?
c. Is there a verse of scripture that is extremely meaningful to you or one that serves as your daily guide for life?
After sending in your testimony, the elders will be in contact with you about setting up a time to discuss your testimony and answer any questions you may have about Hope City. 
Member Affirmation and Presentation
At this point, the elders will present your name to the members for a vote.  After you are voted on, we will present you to the church as a new member