Mission and Vision

Generally speaking, "The mission of the church is the task given by God for the people of God to accomplish in the world. In simplest terms, the mission of the church is the Great Commission- a clear, unambiguous statement of [the church’s] mission to the world. Our task as the gathered body of Christ is to make disciples, by bearing witness to Jesus Christ the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit to the glory of God the Father."

More specifically, we state our mission this way:  The mission of Hope City Church is to love God, make disciples, and reach the nations.

Centered on the person and work of Jesus, the vision of Hope City Church is to know, love, serve, and enjoy God through the convergence of His word and Spirit. We are rooted in the past, experiencing God in the present, and expectant for the future.

"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
- John 4:24

“We are training people to be contributors and servants, not spectators and consumers.” - Trellis and the Vine

We hope, pray, teach, and work to be marked by six traits:

Evangelistic zeal
Doctrinal depth
Global mindedness
Fervent faith filled prayer
Empowered and equipped members
Extravagant generosity